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The best products are always paid.The developers are keen to earn money from it.So hackers get dirty and make cracks and keygen for that particular software.Or some kind buyers share the key that was included with the software he bought , which is a very rare case.So we heavily rely on the hackers that crack these softwares. Most of the hackers remain underground and share their work.However it is not possible for any one to find the crack of the software he needs.Sometimes the software you are using isn't that popular so as to catch the eyes of the cracker.So what do we do , use the trial version and be satisfied.But what after the trial period is over ? Sit down their like a loser ! NOO . When Genie Land is around you need not worry.Here's a tutorial which will show you  how to reset the trial period of any given software.

How to Reset the Trial Period ? 

Their are many manual methods but they are a bit complicated.So we found out a solution using not one but two softwares.Both have the same function but their paths are different. Here is the list of two software's with their working method.

1. RunAsDate:

Run As Date 

RunAsDate is a small utility that allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify. This utility doesn’t change the current system date, but it only injects the date/time that you specify into the desired application. You can run multiple applications simultaneously, each application works with different date and time, while the real date/time of your system continues to run normally.

RunAsDate works with Windows XP, Windows Vista and my favorite Windows 7. It works with 32 bit and 64 bit versions.Not compatible with Windows 8.

2. Time Stopper 

Time Stopper 

Time Stopper is a tiny utility which eliminate the time limit existing into trial software usage period.
Time Stopper works with any software executable file and practically will extend the trial period of the program for an unlimited amount of time.Time Stopper is very easy to install and use: you just have to browse for the executable file of trial program (generally located in C:Program Files) and select the new installation date. Now, your program trial period will be automatically extended to another 30 / 90 days, depending on the software.TimeStopper will not modify the time and date of the operating system, therefore is safe to use..
Using this software you can stop the time for exe and start the exe specified date. When you stop the time of any exe using this Time Stopper it works via this Time Stopper. Real time & date runs normally on your system. We recommend seeing the example of help file before use this software.

Download Timestopper - CNET

From the Editors Desk 

You might have realized that the links are from CNET.This is because I found these two software's while I was surfing through CNET's utility category.Some of you may be confused which software to use.Well the answer is quite clear.Go with Time Stopper as it does not involve any registry tweaks hence making it more secure than  Run as Date.Hope these methods work for you.If they don't leave a comment I will give you the tutorials for the manual method.Cheers ! 

Pc Genie

Pc Genie

Pc Genie

Pc Genie

You might have realized that the links are from CNET.This is because I found these two software's while I was surfing through CNET's utility category.Some of you may be confused which software to use.Well the answer is quite clear.Go with Time Stopper as it does not involve any registry tweaks hence making

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla lobortis placerat tempus. Nunc elementum, magna eget consequat lobortis, sem felis sodales justo, a pellentesque dui massa vitae diam. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla eu lectus non mi dapibus convallis eget ut libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin sed orci non eros lobortis pharetra. In bibendum tellus ac orci imperdiet non pretium justo suscipit. Sed sollicitudin dolor non nisi ornare tincidunt. Ut malesuada, leo et blandit eleifend, urna orci fringilla lectus, quis fermentum ligula odio ut nibh. Phasellus ligula leo, commodo mollis aliquam sed, malesuada vitae urna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean nec interdum nunc. In placerat, ipsum at bibendum adipiscing, libero lacus tristique nisl, eu ultrices justo nunc ut risus. Nunc venenatis elementum urna, luctus pulvinar lorem fermentum ac. In commodo suscipit nunc id viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dui leo, imperdiet sed elementum sed, eleifend nec justo. Aliquam ut lacinia magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ut nulla ac mauris consequat fringilla. Aliquam vestibulum, est eu gravida dictum, lorem turpis blandit nisi, eu luctus ante nunc cursus magna. Quisque nec velit sem, eu semper ante. Donec hendrerit pretium tristique. Aliquam a nisi a sapien posuere aliquam. Nullam condimentum, tellus non lobortis condimentum, elit libero sodales sapien, vel tempor arcu est vitae nisl. In diam nisi, molestie sodales bibendum nec, mollis ac lectus.

Suspendisse non nisl et erat vehicula commodo. Maecenas sit amet orci turpis, nec mollis dolor. Sed ligula erat, porttitor ac luctus id, auctor non metus. Maecenas elementum enim ante, ut facilisis sem. Etiam ac arcu non enim consectetur vulputate. Nulla metus velit, dapibus ut tempor a, faucibus sit amet urna. Aenean nibh lorem, ornare hendrerit ornare non, tempus at turpis. Praesent ipsum massa, eleifend et imperdiet id, tempus ultricies sapien. Donec auctor, mauris volutpat semper iaculis, lectus est ultricies sapien, nec tempor massa nunc convallis neque. Curabitur dolor nisl, convallis a malesuada eget, lobortis ac orci. Quisque venenatis orci non sem commodo non rutrum orci blandit. Cras convallis fermentum rhoncus. Proin posuere congue mi quis rhoncus.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis rutrum, velit at viverra sodales, justo dolor adipiscing massa, eu vulputate turpis diam et nunc. Proin eget lorem arcu. Vivamus lorem enim, pellentesque quis egestas eu, luctus pellentesque dui. Mauris vel diam eros, mollis sollicitudin sem. Duis nunc velit, ullamcorper aliquam bibendum ut, rutrum vel tellus. Nam quam massa, tempus vel consequat ut, bibendum a augue. Aenean lectus urna, porttitor laoreet semper malesuada, pulvinar ut sem. Quisque velit neque, condimentum in venenatis in, egestas non tortor. Fusce iaculis dignissim felis. Mauris nec augue augue, eget rutrum tortor.

In quis ipsum quis dolor molestie pellentesque id nec libero. Mauris vestibulum eleifend ligula, ac varius augue euismod eget. Pellentesque nec augue a purus dapibus vestibulum. Nulla arcu felis, pretium at fermentum et, fermentum ut eros. Donec a mauris vitae magna malesuada molestie. Mauris feugiat pharetra consectetur. Aliquam ut mi lacus. Ut id sapien nisi. In non libero mi. Curabitur arcu enim, semper sed convallis vitae, faucibus ac nisl. Proin ac dolor at justo scelerisque tempus molestie ut mi.